Introducing Champion Classrooms

We are very excited to be launching our all-new training platform: Champion Classrooms!
Champion Classrooms is a virtual classroom–a community of connected learners that builds on the training webinars and conferences that are already offered by the Coalition. This new platform will allow parents and caregivers to participate in on-demand training that is available at any day and at any time. The courses in Champion Classrooms are designed to provide real-time support to parents when they need it the most, rather than having to wait for training on a topic scheduled down the line.
There is a diverse range of education offerings and engaging and interactive content. Champion Classrooms provides beginner level courses for newer parents, intermediate level course, and more advanced courses for experienced caregivers. Learners are able to print out assignments and notebook entries to keep for easy review and reference, or to share with licensing workers to show interaction with the materials in the courses.
We invite you to check out Champion Classrooms–available anytime, anywhere, and from any device.